Recrutement de 01 Programme Policy Officer (School-Based Programme)


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Publié le 19-07-2024 à 00:33:14
Localité: Côte d'Ivoire / Abidjan
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Recrutement de 01 Programme Policy Officer (School-Based Programme)

Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
time type
Full time
posted on
Offre publiée aujourd'hui
job requisition id

29 July 2024-23:59-UTC heure moyenne de Greenwich (Abidjan)
Le PAM célèbre et embrasse la diversité. Il s'engage à respecter le principe de l'égalité des chances en matière d'emploi pour tous ses employés et encourage les candidats qualifiés à postuler sans distinction de race, de couleur, d'origine nationale, d'origine ethnique ou sociale, d'informations génétiques, de sexe, d'identité et/ou d'expression de genre, d'orientation sexuelle, de religion. ou croyance, statut VIH, handicap physique ou mental.

Êtes-vous intéressé(e) à développer davantage votre expérience professionnelle tout en contribuant à mettre fin à la faim dans le monde? Êtes-vous passionné(e) par l'aide aux personnes dans le besoin? Souhaitez-vous rejoindre une organisation mondiale qui investit dans ses collaborateurs?

Si tel est le cas, une carrière passionnante et enrichissante vous attend! Rejoignez notre équipe diversifiée et passionnée qui travaille sur des projets internationaux variés, contribuant directement à sauver et à changer des millions de vies à travers le monde.


Le Programme Alimentaire Mondial des Nations Unies (PAM) est la plus grande organisation humanitaire au monde, une agence humanitaire qui lutte contre la faim à l'échelle mondiale. La mission du PAM est d'aider le monde à atteindre la Faim Zéro de notre vivant. Chaque jour, le PAM travaille à travers le monde pour s'assurer qu'aucun enfant ne va se coucher le ventre vide et que les plus pauvres et les plus vulnérables, notamment les femmes et les enfants, peuvent accéder à l’alimentation nutritive dont ils ont besoin.

Au PAM, les personnes sont au cœur de tout ce que nous faisons et la vision de la future force de travail du PAM est celle d'équipes diversifiées, engagées, compétentes et performantes, sélectionnées sur la base du mérite, opérant dans un environnement de travail sain et inclusif, incarnant les valeurs du PAM (Intégrité, Collaboration, Engagement, Humanité et Inclusion) et travaillant avec des partenaires pour sauver et changer les vies des personnes aidées par le PAM.


• Le PAM est Lauréat du Prix Nobel de la Paix 2020.

• Le PAM offre un environnement de travail extrêmement inclusif, diversifié et multiculturel.

• Le PAM investit dans le développement personnel et professionnel de ses employés à travers une gamme de formations, d'accréditations, de coaching, de mentorat et d'autres programmes, ainsi que par le biais d'opportunités de mobilité interne.

• Une carrière au sein du PAM offre une opportunité formidable de travailler dans les différents bureaux nationaux, régionaux et globaux à travers le monde, et avec des collègues passionnés qui travaillent sans relâche pour veiller à ce qu’une aide humanitaire efficace parvienne à des millions de personnes à travers le monde.

• Nous proposons un ensemble de rémunération attractif (veuillez vous référer à la section Termes et Conditions de cette annonce de poste).

JOB PURPOSE: The National Professional Officer oversees the implementation of WFP Côte d’Ivoire school feeding programme, including the McGovern-Dole programme, contribute to policy formulation and provide technical advice and oversight on programme strategy, implementation and reporting for country office operations and Government programme.

ORGANISATIONAL CONTEXTE: The staff member will report to the head of school feeding s/he will supervise the programme assistant and would need to work closely with the other sections and units: will need to coordinate extensively with budget, finance, supply chain and monitoring and evaluation teams.


Côte d’Ivoire is considered a low-middle-income country and ranks 171st of 188 countries in the Human Development Index. It is subject to pervasive food insecurity, malnutrition, and gender inequalities, which severely affect smallholder farmers as they struggle with issues of land access and frequent climate-related shocks. Côte d’Ivoire has a population of 29 million people, of which 46 percent live below the poverty line. It is ranked 155th on the Gender Inequality Index.

WFP’s Strategic Plan for Côte d’Ivoire (2019 – 2025) focuses on capacity strengthening with a view to shifting WFP-led programmes to government and community ownership. At the core of this strategic approach is the sustainability of the national school meals programme, in which WFP assists 613 schools, or 10 percent of the schools covered by the programme, as a platform for promoting education, nutrition and gender equality and stimulating local food production and rural economies. The country strategic plan constitutes an opportunity to support smallholder farmers (SAMS), particularly women, in a holistic way and to diversify food consumption by introducing policies and practices to reduce post-harvest losses and promote sustainable access to markets. By applying the SAMS methodology, WFP aims to lay the foundations for a more robust economy that is less reliant on imports, offers better livelihood options for vulnerable populations and fosters resilient and sustainable national food systems.

The WFP school meals programme, mainly funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) through the McGovern-Dole programme, is implemented in the West, North and North-East regions of Côte d’Ivoire. The programme includes the provision of school meals and complementary services (promotion of handwashing, access to safe drinking water, literacy classes and support to smallholder farmer groups) to over 136,500 children in 613 primary schools, as well as upstream policy work to support Government strategies.

Sustainability is an important aspect of the programme and WFP is working closely with the Directorate of School Canteens, within the Ministry of Education, to improve institutional capacity for a gradual transfer of WFP-supported schools into the national school feeding programme, as well as a more comprehensive quality coverage of the government programme, in a sustainable manner.


Under the direct supervision of Reports to the head of school feeding section, the candidate will be responsible for the following functions (duties):

Contribute to WFP-wide strategic planning and program policy formulation in line with organizational strategy and practical field realities and translate program policy into practice at country level.
In collaboration with government authorities, partners, UN agencies and other bilateral assistance agencies, assist in the preparation, implementation and evaluation of strategic plans, programs, and project documents for the country office.
Coordinate all key analyses and evaluations with school feeding results, including comprehensive analyses on, for example, gender, protection, and nutrition.
Support field offices in examining bottlenecks and operational constraints, and propose appropriate solutions, including an effective information-sharing system to help strengthen program management.
Coordinate all school feeding activities to ensure a single strategy and message to government and other stakeholders.
Oversee the overall implementation of all school feeding activities, including the transition to school feeding based on local production and handover to the government, with the program unit at country office and sub-office level and with the support of the regional office school feeding unit.
Support the government in the operationalization of school feeding strategies and contribute to the development of policies and legal instruments (e.g., school feeding law);
Coordinate and oversee the implementation of the McGovern-Dole program in accordance with the legal agreement and all conditions set out therein; this includes ensuring that program operations are in line with the plan, other relevant guidance in the field offices and in collaboration with WFP colleagues in Washington and Rome.
Prepare and update the annual work plan and contribute to the preparation of national capacity building plans to meet targets, as well as budget details to ensure the implementation of MGD-funded activities in accordance with the plan.
Develop and maintain strategic partnerships to identify opportunities for collaborative approaches and initiatives that enhance the school feeding package and support advocacy activities.
Liaise with internal and external counterparts to ensure effective collaboration, monitor ongoing projects, and highlight potential risks to project delivery.
Coordinate the timely finalization of partnership agreements with cooperating partners, sub-recipients, and other UN agencies, as appropriate.
Organize quarterly review meetings with partners, prepare/update work plan and undertake performance review, as required, and provide feedback.
Contribute to the preparation of accurate and timely reports on programs and activities that enable informed decision-making and consistency of information presented to stakeholders.
Manage operational research and evidence-building, including decentralized evaluations, on school feeding issues, and contribute to the conduct of evaluations and the preparation of terms of reference to support the preparation of school feeding policy and strategy.
Manage the preparation and dissemination of analytical and critical reports, publications and a variety of information products or proposals for internal or external use, in collaboration with headquarters.
Oversee the monitoring of the use of resources in close collaboration with the SF International Consultant and the management of headquarters and country office resources and the Washington office to ensure the best possible use of allocated financial resources to achieve set objectives.
Undertake additional activities as required.

Lead the development of the implementation plan and tools, technical guidance, and operational manuals/materials for staff and partners to guide implementation, including ensuring risk management and promotion of innovation.
Coordinate regular data collection, proactive monitoring of implementation and alignment with strategic direction and quality criteria, budget and deadlines in collaboration with the M&E unit.
Manage strategic partnerships with different actors (government, civil society, United Nations, private sector, academics)).
Ensure WFP's contribution to UN joint programming (UN Country Framework for Sustainable Development, Integrated Strategic Framework, joint projects, etc.) and coherent contribution and alignment with the overall national priority and the 2030 Agenda and ensure effective and efficient joint programming with key UN Agencies and partners.
Strengthen synergies and collaboration between the health/nutrition/WASH and education sectors to address the nutritional needs of school-aged children and adolescent girls as well as improve children's health (deworming, hygiene, and food safety)).
Strengthen collaboration and synergies between school feeding with nutrition, local purchasing/SAMS, and revitalize the nutrition-sensitive project around school canteens.
Contribute to resource mobilization efforts for WFP interventions, including by clearly articulating WFP's needs, priorities, and contribution and added value.
Ensure the follow-up of the budget of funds in the WINGS system (check of availability, push down request for the creation of POs) and ensure the follow-up of resources (follow-up of the expiry dates of Grants and commodities).
Represents WFP in relevant coordination and policy development mechanisms and platforms and provides input through direct participation, briefings, information products and other materials.


Advanced university degree (master’s degree or equivalent) in social sciences, educational sciences, agronomy, economics, international development, international relations or other related fields.

Work Experience:

Have at least three (3) years of post-graduate experience in the field of humanitarian and development project management and particularly in the formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, management and reporting of projects/programmes. Experience in partner coordination, advocacy, food security and nutrition, and experience in implementing school feeding projects is an asset.


Knowledge of priorities, policies, systems and programmes in the education, health, and agriculture sectors. Proven expertise in project coordination and implementation.
Excellent report writing and communication skills.
Excellent interpersonal skills to interact with various stakeholders, and advanced facilitation skills.
Languages and other skills

Have an excellent level of French (Written and Oral, Level C) and a good knowledge of English (Written and Oral, Level B) is required.
Have a good command of computer tools (Word, Excel, Access, and Power Point, etc.).

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